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This is what the Israeli government doing in the Palestine people and it is a human cleansing. What kinds of atrocity we are seeing.

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل الصهاينة المجرمين💔

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UN & Some Western Countries said that Humanity is first but where is Humanity in this regard shame on them. Therefore, supporting Palestine means supporting Humanity!!!

العدو الصهيوني يقتل الأطفال!

"نحو 4800 طفل قتلوا في غزة والعديد لازالوا تحت الركام"

- مفوض الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الإنسان.

Israel kills children!

“Approximately 4800 children were killed in Gaza and many are still under the rubble.»

- United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights.


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እናንት ፍልስጤሞች ሆይ አለህ ይድረስላችሁ።

What did Palestinian children? 💔

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Abu Nesiha Сhanged his profile picture
1 years
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Listen what he is saying about Israel & Palestine.

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