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Lecturer Department of Electrical and computer engineering Msc in industrial control engineering

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‘Let us be clear: Israel is committing genocide in Gaza’

The Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention has accused Israel and the United States of “cynical lies and propaganda”.

“Let us be clear: Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. The US is complicit in genocide. These are not political statements. They are statements that are made from knowledge and experience,” the organisation said.

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‘Solution is not a truce, but the end of Israeli occupation’: Hamas spokesperson

#stop gazamassacure

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Gaza health official says ‘at least 50 dead’ in school attack: Report

School attack proves Israel’s goal is to empty northern Gaza: Ministry

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said in a statement that the al-Fakhoora School attack proves that Israel’s declared war on civilians aims to empty the entire northern Gaza Strip area of all Palestinian presence.

May Allah help Palestinians


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Al-Shifa Hospital is a ‘big prison’, says director

As Israel continues its raid of al-Shifa Hospital, the director of al-Shifa says the medical compound has become a “big prison” and a “mass grave” for all those inside.

Muhammed Abu Salmiya tells Al Jazeera that there are 7,000 people in the hospital and staff are still working to help patients but they “lost all those who were in the intensive care unit”.

“We are left with nothing, no power, no food, no water. with every passing minute, we are losing a life. Overnight we lost 22 persons, [and] for the past three days the hospital has been kept under siege,” Salmiya said.

He added that they have appealed to leave the hospital but are being denied by Israeli forces.

“It’s a war crime. A full-fledged war crime,” he said.




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Qatar’s Emir condemns international community’s silence on Gaza

Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani slams the international community for remaining silent in front of the suffering of Palestinian civilians, while allowing Israel to violate international law.

“What is taking place in Gaza is a real threat at all levels. These are unprecedented events – how come the bombardment of hospitals becomes an ordinary attack under the false allegations that there are tunnels and military installations underneath?,” said the Emir at the Riyadh summit.

“Our eyes are frozen and hearts are broken to see all these atrocities – All of this is unprecedented.

“Many people and states worldwide who have lectured in the past on the need to comply with international law and human values are remaining silent amid all these atrocities.

“The international world remains immune in front of all these scenes. Who could have imagined that hospitals could be publicly shelled in the 20th century?,” he said.

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