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Al-Shifa Hospital is a ‘big prison’, says director

As Israel continues its raid of al-Shifa Hospital, the director of al-Shifa says the medical compound has become a “big prison” and a “mass grave” for all those inside.

Muhammed Abu Salmiya tells Al Jazeera that there are 7,000 people in the hospital and staff are still working to help patients but they “lost all those who were in the intensive care unit”.

“We are left with nothing, no power, no food, no water. with every passing minute, we are losing a life. Overnight we lost 22 persons, [and] for the past three days the hospital has been kept under siege,” Salmiya said.

He added that they have appealed to leave the hospital but are being denied by Israeli forces.

“It’s a war crime. A full-fledged war crime,” he said.




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