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1 years Translate
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ዝም ስትሉ "ለምን ዝም አሉ?" ባዩ ብዙ ነው :: ስታወሩ "ብቻችንን እናውራ አሉ!" ባዩ ብዙ ነው :: ጨፍረር ብለህ ስትወጣ "ኧረ ፏ በል!" ያለህ አምሮብህ ሲያይህ "ማሻ አላህ!" በማለት ፋንታ "ልታይ ልታይ አበዛሳ!" ሲልህ ታገኘዋለህ :: ስትቀመጥ ተነስ ስትቆም ተቀመጥ ባዩ ብዙ ነው :: ስትተኛ ቀስቃሽ ስትነቃ አስተኚውም የትዬሌለ ነው ::

  ብቻ የትም ሁን የት ከአንተ ላይ ጥቁር ነጥብን ማውጣት የማይታክታቸው ብዙ ሰዎች ያጋጥሙሃል :: ሁሉም ሰው ሊወድህ አይችልምና ጠልተውህ ሊሆን ይችላል :: ሁሉም ሰው በሀሳብህ ሊስማማ አይችልምና ከሀሳብህ ተቃርኖ ውስጥ ገብተው ሊሆን ይችላል ::

   ስለዚህ ገንቢ ሀሳቦችን እየወሰድክ ከእውነት ጋር ባለመታከት ተጓዝ :: "ሌቷ እንደ ቀን ብርሃናማ በሆነ መንገድ ላይ ትቻችሗለሁ!" ብለዋልና እርሱን ያዝ :: ትኩረትህን በስራህ ላይ አድርግ ::

  መልካም ቀን

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1 years Translate
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Mosques and churches bombed by the Israeli occupation in Gaza and turning them into rubble...

First: Mosques:

1. Yarmouk Mosque in Gaza City

2. Ahmed Yassin Mosque in Gaza City

3. Al-Gharbi Mosque in Gaza City

4. Al-Abbas Mosque in Gaza City

5. Al-Susi Mosque in Gaza City

6. Ishteiwi Mosque in Gaza City

7. Katib Wilayah Mosque in Gaza City

8. Sheikh Shaaban Mosque in Gaza City

9. Al-Shamaa Mosque in Gaza City

10. The Islamic University Mosque in Gaza City.

11. Al-Habib Muhammad Mosque in Khan Yunis

12. Saad Al-Ansari Mosque in Beit Lahia

13. Imam Ali Mosque in Jabalia Camp

14. Al-Aqsa Martyrs Mosque in Nuseirat.

15. Al-Omari Mosque in Jabalia.

16. Anwar Aziz Mosque in Jabalia Camp.

17. Fatima Al-Zahra Mosque in Madinat Al-Zahra.

Second: Churches:

1. The Greek Orthodox Church “Porphyrios” near the Kateb Mosque in Gaza.


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