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insha'Allah Cennetlik

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Muslimalar diqqatiga!

Telegramda guruh yo kanal ochib, bittamiz kitob óqisak va bu kitobni óqimaganlar tinglashsa,manfaat olishsa...

Agar rozi bólsangiz, ma\'lum qiling.

Birinchi kitob siyratga doir bóladi insha\'Allah!

#freepalestine #workonyourself #bebetterthanyesterday

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Bu tanish opamni qarindoshini o'g'liga yordam guruhi

(Yolg'on emas, Alloh haqqi ! )

Keling qóldan kegancha yordam beramiz.

Qilgan yaxshiliklaringizni Alloh mukammal qabul aylasin!

#сердце #palestine #muhim

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Assalamu alaykum telefon va komputerlarda nurga qarshi kózoynak taqish nurni qaytaradimi?

Siz ishlatgan bólsangiz aytib yuborolasizmi?


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Be patient, dear self...

Allah will give what\'s good for you

Don\'t hurry and don\'t be overthink please...

Believe in Allah\'s qadar and keep moving on working on yourself.

#hayollarim #thoughts

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SubhanAllah ✨


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