Dilrabo Lutfulloh Changed her profile picture
9 month
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Dilrabo Lutfulloh Changed her profile picture
10 month
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Orzular xaritasi

Oxirgi paytlar ko'pchilik yangi yil oldi orzular xaritasi tayyorlash bilan band!

Yangi niyatlar, maqsadlar, chiroyli sayohatlar, qimmatbaho mashinalar, hashamatli uy, bilim olish, shaxsiy rivoj, karyera va shunga o'xshash istaklarimiz aks etgan xarita!

Shu yerda bir inson o'laroq shunday orzumandlarga kichik iltimosim bor: Shu xaritangizni bir chetidan Falastin xalqi, uning bolaligi tortib olingan jajji farishtalari uchun kichik joy ajrating va duo qiling! Zero Falastin tinchligi har bir musulmon uchun eng yuksak orzu va maqsad bo'lishga haqli!

Inshaalloh ko'pchilikning orzusiga albatta amalga oshadi!

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