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Salamo Alikom,

Are you a parent of a child aged between 1-5? ✅

Do you allow your child to have screen time? ✅

Do you have an iOS device (iPhone or an iPad)? ✅

If you answered yes to all 3 questions, this offer is for you.

We will be conducting a 4 week pilot study with the official release of Dopalearn® as of today. Your child will be provided with a free 3 month subscription to Dopalearn® Premium. In return, we will ask you to fill out a brief survey about your child's experience at the conclusion of the study. If you're interested, reach out to me or comment below.

Learn more at

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Got kids? Discover Dopalearn®, the world's most powerful microlearning app for toddlers.

Available now in the App Store:

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Adam Alshishani Сhanged his profile picture
2 years
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