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دي معظم المواضيع اللي بيتم شرحها في ماده Data Structures and Algorithms

الي هيحتاجها اي طالب Computer Science


1) Binary Search

2) Linear Search

3) Depth First Search

4) Breadth First Search

5) Rabin-Karp Algorithm

6) Z Algorithm


1) Insertion Sort

2) Heap Sort

3) Selection Sort

4) Merge Sort

5) Quick Sort

6) Counting Sort

7) Bucket Sort

8)Bubble Sort

9) Radix Sort

10) Shell Sort

11) Comb Sort

12) Pigeonhole Sort

13) Cycle Sort


1) Kruskal's Algorithm

2) Dijkstra's Algorithm

3) Bellman Ford Algorithm

4) Floyd Warshall Algorithm

5) Topological Sort Algorithm

6) Flood Fill Algorithm

7) Lee Algorithm

8)Prim's Algorithm

9) Boruvka's Algorithm

10) Johnson's Algorithm

11) Kosaraju's Algorithm

12) Tarjan's Algorithm


1) Kadane's Algorithm

2) Floyd's Cycle Detection Algorithm

3) Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm (KMP)

4) Quick Select Algorithm

5) Boyer - More Majority Vote Algorithm


1) AA Tree

2) Binary Indexed Tree or Fenwick Tree

3) Quadtree

4) Cartesian Tree

5) Fibonacci heap

6) Interval Tree

7) Finger Tree

8)Crit-bit Trees

9) Scapegoat Tree

10) Splay Tree

11) Suffix Tree

12) Counted B-Trees

13) Binary Space Partitioning

14) Van Emde Boas Tree


1) Huffman Coding Compression Algorithm

2) Euclid's Algorithm

3) Union Find Algorithm

4) Manacher's Algorithm

5) Eukerian Path (Hierholzer's Algorithm)

6) Convex Hull | Set 1 (Jarvis’s Algorithm or Wrapping)

7) Convex Hull | Set 2 (Graham Scan)

8)Convex Hull using Divide and Conquer Algorithm

9) Quickhull Algorithm for Convex Hull

10) Distinct elements in subarray using Mo’s Algorithm

11) Line Sweep Algorithm

12) MO’s Algorithm (Query square root decomposition)

13) Disjoint-set Data Structure

14) Ackermann Function

15) Zobrist Hashing

16) FM-index

17) Circular buffer

18) Hungarian Algorithm / Kuhn–Munkres Algorithm / Munkres Assignment Algorithm

19) Dekker's Algorithm

20) Winged Edge

21) Burrows–Wheeler Transform

22) Zipper

23) Five Balltree Construction Algorithms

24) Cuckoo Hashing

25) Rope (Data Structure)

26) Binary Decision Diagram

27) Disjoint-set Data Structure

28) Bloom Filter

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