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🌨A few pieces of advice given by a sheikh to me (a beginner in seeking knowledge):

I would say a few things

First thing, as Imam Bukhari said

Al ilm bit tadarruj

Knowledge is step by step

It would help if you learned things step by step. Don’t run to learn everything at once; even it took 23 years for Quran to be revealed

Second thing

Be conscious of Allah,

Noorullaahi Laa yutaa li aaasee

Knowledge is light; Allah's guidance and light are not for a sinner.

So every day, what you do and say affects your mind and ilm; try your best to protect yourself against the traps of shaitan.

Last thing

Don’t abandon any good deed considering "it’s just a tiny good deed or sunnah"

And don’t ever embrace any sin thinking "it’s sageerah".

Laa kabeerata maa’l istigfaar walaa sageerah maa’l israar

No major sins remain in your record after istigfaar

And no minor sin remains minor when it is done consistently(i.e., if someone does a minor sin regularly, that sin would be counted as a Major sin).

(Hope this helps, shared it here for everyone's benefit بإذن الله )

taken from: @nawaqidul_islaam


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