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Освобождение от ментального рабства | Нуман Али Хан

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бойкот израильских приложений и их альтернатива на мусульманские приложение, как видите кроме телеграма все остальные программы мусульманские الحمد لله

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почему пишут перевод невозможен?это у всех так?((

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أسماء الله تعالى الحسنى

#islam #quran

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‎Why Al-Aqsa, Why Jerusalem?

‎"- This is not any ordinary land. This is a blessed sanctified land, that Allah Himself sanctified.

‎- This is the land that Allah mentioned in the Quran.

‎- This is the land on which the second Masjid on Earth was built.

‎- This is the Masjid in which one Prayer is equal to 250 Prayers.

‎- This is the land from which the Messenger ﷺ was taken up to the Heavens to meet Allah.

‎- This is the land on which the Messenger ﷺ lead ALL the Prophets in Prayer.

‎- This is the land we faced in Prayer for 16 months before turning towards the Kaabah.

‎- This is the land on which the Angels of Allah have spread their wings over until today.

‎- This is the land on which the Prophet ﷺ took the cup of milk, as a result, his Ummah were guided to the right path. Otherwise, had he taken the cup of wine, the entire Ummah would have gone astray.

‎- This is the land on which Isa In Maryam عليه السلام will kill the biggest Fitnah on Earth, the Dajaal.

‎- This is the land on which (the Prophet ﷺ said) the best of the inhabitants of Earth will reside where Prophet Ibrahim migrated (I.e. Jerūs@lem).

‎- This is the land on which the Prophet Musa عليه السلام requested Allah to let him die close to it, so much so that he would be just a distance of a stone's throw away from it.

‎We seek closeness to Allah by loving this land.

‎Betrayal of this land is a betrayal of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ, and it's forbidden for a believer to betray Allah and His Messenger.

‎So now inform me, how exactly does the enemy of Allah assume that we will give up on this land???

‎When the believers say they will die protecting this land, they mean it for all the above reasons."

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