Mahmud Darvish."Urush va tinchlik".Shamis o‘qigan.
Urush tugaydi;
rahbarlar qo'l berib ko'rishadi;
Ona shahid o'g'lini,
Ayol sevgan yorini
va bolalar qahramon otasini kutishda davom etadi.
Ona Vatanimizni kim sotganini bilmayman,
lekin narxini kim to'laganini ko'rib turibman.
The War Will End, by poet Mahmoud Darwish, read by Shamis.
The war will end
the leaders will shake hands
the old woman will keep waiting for her martyred son
that girl will wait for her beloved husband
and those children will wait for their heroic father
i don't know who sold our homeland
but i saw who paid the price
Mahmud Darvish."Urush va tinchlik".Shamis o‘qigan.
Urush tugaydi;
rahbarlar qo'l berib ko'rishadi;
Ona shahid o'g'lini,
Ayol sevgan yorini
va bolalar qahramon otasini kutishda davom etadi.
Ona Vatanimizni kim sotganini bilmayman,
lekin narxini kim to'laganini ko'rib turibman.
The War Will End, by poet Mahmoud Darwish, read by Shamis.
The war will end
the leaders will shake hands
the old woman will keep waiting for her martyred son
that girl will wait for her beloved husband
and those children will wait for their heroic father
i don't know who sold our homeland
but i saw who paid the price