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وديني دِينُ عِزٍّ لستُ أدري أذِلّةُ قومِنا مِنْ أَينَ جاؤُوا

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The most dangerous products of Israel companies damage physical health look kill rodents and dig in the asphalt from the intensity of the deadly formulations inside Pepsi

Produk paling berbahaya dari perusahaan Israel merusak kesehatan fisik, melihat, membunuh hewan pengerat dan menggali aspal dari intensitas formulasi mematikan di dalam Pepsi The most dangerous products of Israel companies damage physical health look kill rodents and dig in the asphalt from the intensity of the deadly formulations inside Pepsi

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حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

Allah is sufficient for us and He is the best trustee.

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গাজা এখানে মানবতাকে কবর দিয়েছে

Gaza is here buried humanity


غزہ یہاں انسانیت کو دفن کر رہا ہے

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