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Gaza is becoming a children's cemetery - UN According to Palestinian health officials, the number of people who have died in the Israeli airstrikes in Gaza has reached 10,000 so far. The governments of the Arab nations have asked the US Secretary of State, Antonio Blicken, to stop the large-scale massacre that Israel is doing in Gaza, but it was not accepted. After hearing this kind of cruel answer, will the Arab governments stop the Palestinian people from being brutalized by Israel and its allies, or will they continue their usual silence?

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እናተ በአላህ የመናቹ ሙስሊሞች ሆይ አላህ ከታገሱት ጋር ነኝ ብሎዋል ስለዚህ እኛ የምንሞትለት ዲን እጂ ዱንያ የለንም...የፍልስጤማውያን ሙስሊሞች ሰቆቃ በቃችሁ በላቸው አሚን አሚን!!!

أيها المسلمون المتقون، قال الله إني مع الصابرين، فليس لنا دين نموت من أجله إلا الدنيا، أرجو أن تتقبلوا معاناة المسلمين الفلسطينيين، آمين، آمين!!!

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The image shows that Us America and western Europe supporting Israel but where is the arab country?

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