abdurezak seid Profile Picture

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Senior Sofware developer

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"🚀 In the realm of professional growth, I firmly believe that embarking on one self-made project holds greater value than completing ten tutorials! 💡 The hands-on experience gained from tackling real-world challenges and bringing a unique vision to life can truly elevate our skills and showcase our abilities to the fullest. So, let's embrace the power of creation, ignite our passion, and dare to venture into the realm of personal projects. Remember, the journey of a single self-made project can unlock boundless opportunities for growth and innovation. Let's make it happen! 🔥✨ #selfmadeprojects #professionalgrowth #UnleashYourPotential"

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SOAP is like putting a letter in a special envelope. This envelope has clear instructions and rules for how to write the address and seal it. Inside the envelope, you place your message (usually written in XML). By using this structured and rule-bound envelope, your message can be sent safely and with assurance, just like sending a letter in a sealed and addressed physical envelope.

REST is like using a postcard because it's a lightweight and simple way to communicate, over the internet, with limited space, clear addressing, and predefined methods for interacting with resources. It's particularly well-suited for web and mobile applications that don't require the complexity of more formal protocols like SOAP.

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol):

- Protocol with strict rules.

- Message format is typically XML.

- Strong security features.

- Supports stateful communication.

- Standardized error handling.

- Robust tooling in many programming languages.

Various message bindings.

REST (Representational State Transfer):

- Architectural style, not a protocol.

- Message format is flexible, often JSON or XML.

- Relies on transport-level security (e.g., HTTPS).

- Stateless communication enhances scalability.

- Simpler and lighter weight.

- Tooling is more straightforward, leveraging HTTP.

- Well-suited for web and mobile applications.

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ነብዩላህ ዳውድ በዙፋናቸው ላይ ተቀምጠው ሳለ አንዲት ሴት መጣችና

ጌታህ ፍትሀዊ ነው ወይስ በዳይ ብላ ጠየቀቻቸው?

እኔ አባታቸው የሞተባቸውን ( 3 ) የቲም ልጆችን አሳድጋለሁ። ጉሮሮዋቸውን

የምደፍነውም ጥጥ በመፍተልና በመሸጥ ከማገኘው ገንዘብ ነው።

ዛሬ ግን ጥጤን ፈትዬ በጨርቅ ከረጢት ቋጥሬ ልመሸጥ ወደ ገበያ በመሄድ

ላይ ሳለሁ አንድ አሞራ ልሸጥ የቋጠርኩትን ጥጥ ይዞብኝ በረረ።

አሁን ለልጆቼ ዳቦ መግዣ አጣሁ ልጆቼ በረሀብ እየተንገላቱ ነው ብላ

ንግግሯን ሣትጨርስ..... በሩ ተንኳኳ ፍቃድ ተሠጣቸውና ወደ ውስጥ ገቡ።

በሩን ያንኳኩት 10 ነጋዴዎች ነበሩ። በእጃቸው አንድ ሺህ ዲናር ይዘዋል

ከመሀከላቸው አንዱ መናገር ጀመረ

አንቱ የአላህ ነብይ ሆይ! ባህር ላይ እየተጓዝን ሳለ መርከባችን መስመጥ

ጀመረች ሞታችንን በመጠባበቅ ላይ ሳለን አንድ አሞራ በጨርቅ የተቋጠረ

የጥጥ ፈትል ከላይ ጣለልን በጨርቁም ቀዳዳውን ደፈንን መርከባችንም

ከመስመጥ ይልቅ ወደ ላይ ተንሳፈፈ በአላህ ፍቃድ ከሞት ዳንን አላህ ለዋለልን

ውለታ ምስጋና ይሆን ዘንድ እያንዳዳችን መቶ ዲናር በድምሩ አንድ ሺህ ዲናር

ለመስጠት ቃል ገባን እና ይህው ገንዘባችን ለፈለጉት ሠው ሠደቃ ይሥጡት

በማለት ብሩን እንዲቀበሏቸው እጃቸውን ዘረጉ።

ነብዩላሂ ዳውድም ወደ ሴትየዋ በመዞር << ጌታሽ አንቺን ከድካም አሳርፎ

በየብስና በባህር ይነግድልሻል አንቺ ግን በዳይ ትይዋለሽ በይ ገንዘቡን

ተቀብለሽ ይዘሽ ሂጂ>> በማለት አዘዟት

ሴትየዋም በተናገረችው ቃል እየተፀፀተች ውስጧ በደስታ ተሞልቶ መንገዷን ቀጠለች።

ስንቶቻችን ነን የምንቀበለውን ሳናውቅ ባጣነው ነገር ፈጣሪያችንን

የምናማርረው? መልእክቱን ከወደዱት ለወዳጅ ዘመዶዎ ሼር ያድርጉ

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