Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that during the holiday, two girls came to them who played the tambourine and sang about the exploits of the Ansar. The Prophet (ﷺ) did not forbid them from doing so and said: “Every nation has its own holiday, and this is our holiday”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, No. 949).
In general, in the hadiths of the Prophet (ﷺ), music is considered an activity that can be dangerous for a person’s spiritual state. However, in exceptional cases (for example, on holidays or at weddings), the use of limited forms of musical accompaniment, such as playing the tambourine (daff), is permitted.
Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that during the holiday, two girls came to them who played the tambourine and sang about the exploits of the Ansar. The Prophet (ﷺ) did not forbid them from doing so and said: “Every nation has its own holiday, and this is our holiday”
(Sahih al-Bukhari, No. 949).
In general, in the hadiths of the Prophet (ﷺ), music is considered an activity that can be dangerous for a person’s spiritual state. However, in exceptional cases (for example, on holidays or at weddings), the use of limited forms of musical accompaniment, such as playing the tambourine (daff), is permitted.
Аиша (да будет доволен ею Аллах) сообщила, что во время праздника к ним пришли две девушки, которые играли на бубне и пели о подвигах ансаров. Пророк (ﷺ) не запретил им этого и сказал: „Каждый народ имеет свой праздник, и это наш праздник“
(Сахих аль-Бухари, № 949).
В целом, в хадисах Пророка (ﷺ) музыка рассматривается как деятельность, которая может быть опасной для духовного состояния человека. Однако в исключительных случаях (например, в праздники или на свадьбах) разрешается использование ограниченных форм музыкального сопровождения, такого как игра на бубне (дафф).