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Ivcol 6 (generic Stromectol Tablets 6mg) - Uses, Side Effects & Price.

Ivcol 6, a generic version of Stromectol containing 6 mg of ivermectin, is primarily used to treat parasitic infections such as scabies, strongyloidiasis, and onchocerciasis. Manufactured by Zenlabs Ethica India, this medication works by paralyzing parasites, effectively stopping their reproduction and helping the body eliminate them. Priced at $4.50 per pill, Ivcol 6 offers an affordable yet powerful solution for those seeking relief from parasitic diseases. Some users may experience mild side effects like nausea, dizziness, or temporary skin reactions, which generally resolve on their own. The cost-effectiveness and efficacy of Ivcol 6 make it a trusted choice for managing parasitic infections.

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