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VERMACT-12 (Ivermectin Dispersible Tablets 12mg) - Uses, Side Effects & Price.

Vermact-12, a dispersible tablet containing 12 mg of ivermectin, is highly effective in treating parasitic infections such as onchocerciasis, strongyloidiasis, and scabies. Manufactured by Life Star, a division of Mankind Pharma in India, this medication works by paralyzing parasites, allowing the body to eliminate them and prevent further health complications. With a price of $160 for a 4x10 tablet pack, it offers an accessible and reliable treatment option for global healthcare markets, including the USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Europe. Mild side effects like dizziness, nausea, or temporary skin reactions may occur but are generally short-lived. Vermact-12’s widespread use across various countries underscores its importance in combating parasitic diseases with proven effectiveness.

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