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ON CEASEFIRE & @georgegalloway & AIRDROPS

Osama Hamdan:

“Without a doubt, any negotiations, if they do not achieve their goal, will not continue. The "israeli" wants to catch his breath and wants to exacerbate the humanitarian crisis.

The obstacle has been there from the first day when the first Paris document was presented, and we dealt with it realistically.

From the first day, it was clear that all the American and "israeli" wanted was a temporary truce while they refuse to stop operations permanently.

The American is concerned about being accused of covering up the occupation's crimes, and both he and the "israeli" are maneuvering and trying to buy time.

Our position was clear from the start that any information about the prisoners has its price, and we want a written agreement and cannot accept anything less.

If there are no clear answers, it is impossible to continue going around in circles.

Gantz's visit to the United States has nothing to do with stopping the aggression.

Part of the disagreement between "israel" and America is its image, which was revealed during the aggression, and also about restoring the entity's status as a natural entity in the region.

The disagreement between "israel" and Washington is about the interests of both parties in the region.

The occupation government wants to transform the reality of the [Palestinian] Authority in the West Bank into a situation similar to what was in South Lebanon, and this is rejected by the Palestinians.

The project presented by Washington in the Security Council is a project that tries to contain the project presented by Algeria and attempts to repair America's image.

The American is trying to polish his image without harming his "israeli" ally.

It is true that there is a disagreement within the entity about the management of the war, but there is no disagreement about its outcomes.

All the aid dropped from the air does not exceed two truckloads, and the Americans are participating in the siege by continuing to close the crossings.

We have informed everyone that those who want to come to Gaza to contribute to the liberation project are welcome, and those who want to be a partner to the occupation will be treated like the occupation.

I hope that there will be a will to allow trucks into Gaza. The resistance will not be broken, the era of "israel" will end, and we negotiate from a position of strength.

This battle is one whose path is victory, and the victor will be the Palestinian people.

The support fronts are still within the framework of support, and the battle has shown that the Axis is moving to another stage that will lead us to comprehensive liberation.

The more the "israeli" increases their aggression, the higher we raise our ceiling of resistance against him.

This battle is the first in the history of the struggle with the entity where the Palestinian narrative prevails, thanks to the media of the resistance.

If there is a minimum level of justice in international institutions, then the entity and its leaders would be tried in a war crimes tribunal.

In the end, the criminals of the entity and those who assisted them in their crimes will be tried, and our people will be the victor.

The popular movement in Europe and its impact on governments cannot be overlooked, and what happened with Galloway in Britain is proof of that.

The Russians played an important role in this confrontation, and Russia’s role in the Security Council was a great support for the Palestinians.”

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