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Third: We call on scholars, imams and preachers in all countries of the Islamic world, to strive by all means to incite the spirit of defending the first qibla of Muslims and the journey of the faithful Messenger, and to convey the voice of the proud Gaza, the suffering of its people, their legitimate rights, the justice of their cause and the legitimacy of their resistance, and to mobilize the energies of the nation and motivate its members to give, give, and give. All forms of support, advocacy and endorsement.

Fourth: We call on the peoples of our Arab and Islamic nation and those of good conscience to intensify all forms of material, moral, humanitarian and charitable support, to heal the wounds of our people in the Gaza Strip, support the families, the sick and the wounded, and adopt charitable projects that support their steadfastness in the face of the Zionist aggression.

Fifth: We renew our call to the masses of our Arab and Islamic nation and the free people in all the world to continue their mass movement and solidarity marches, in all fields and squares, and to escalate them throughout the blessed month of Ramadan, in support of our people in proud Gaza, in support of their valiant resistance, and in pride in their legendary steadfastness, and in exposing, rejecting and denouncing crimes. Starvation and genocidal war committed against children, women and civilians.

Sixth: Let the first day of this blessed month be a renewed launch and a continuous escalation of all activities, marches, demonstrations and initiatives, boycotting the Zionist occupation, scandalizing its crimes, and the countries participating and supporting it, and pressing for an immediate halt to this aggressive war, the entry of aid, the return of the displaced, reconstruction, and the achievement of the nation’s achievements. The honor of participating in the heroic Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.

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