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wallahi it is sad it is sad that you go to YouTube or any kind of social media platforms or anything and you watch one clown clown with no makeup maybe but he's a clown takling about religion and doing nonsense spreading bid'ah (innovations) left and right and people praise him this guy is knowledgeable and he has 1 million views and you go to this 'Ulamah (scholars) the big ulamah Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen, Shaykh Bin Baz, Shaykh al - Albani, Shaykh al - Fawzan, Shaykh Abdul - Muhsin al - Abbad, Shaykh Salih Al ash - shaykh,.. the list goes on, shaykh Salih as Suhaymi, Shaykh Muhammed Bazmoul they are alive today you see there's durus(classes) they do they do durus almost maybe every day and it is all broadcasted how many views 200 , 300 why? Because they are not doing action they are not doing the drama that everybody's looking for they are giving you ilm (knowledge) they are not sugarcoating gotta be careful

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