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From Jabir radhiallahu anhu he said, I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam three days before he died saying,

"Let not one of you die unless he thinks well (husnudzon) of Allah."

(HR. Muslim, 2877)


We must always think positively in everything. Because all events, whatever they are, are completely within the hands of Allah ﷻ and happen because of His permission. By thinking positively, a person will be able to respond to every incident in the best way...

Apart from that, he will be able to face life with optimism. Why not, he is close to Allah ﷻ the Existing Ruler. Therefore, a believer never loses, when given a blessing he is grateful. gratitude is goodness for him, given a test he is patient, and patience is goodness for him...

In essence, Allah ﷻ never distances himself from humans. Humans themselves create distance from Allah ﷻ. Likewise, Allah never hinders humans from being successful, but humans themselves hinder themselves from being successful. The key to all of that is his mind. Man is a formation of his mind.

Norman Vincent Peale quote is, "You are what you think".

.✍ Adm, Dewisiti Sukmini, Indonesia

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