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But the people of the world are not surprised!?


(The world has never seen war crimes and genocide in this era)


2.3+ million citizens live in a small city with an area of ​​365 km². When more than 12 thousand tons of bombs rained down on this densely populated city for 3 consecutive weeks; Therefore:

1) When at least 7,028 Palestinian Muslims were killed;

2) More than 70% of them are children and women (2,913 children and 1,709 women);

3) 18,482 of them were seriously injured;

4) In the last 24 hours alone, 481 people have been killed (209 of them children);

5) More than 1,650 of them are still under the bombed-out buildings without even finding their bodies (940 of them are children).

6) When 731 entire Palestinian families were killed,

⑦) When 101 health workers were killed and 100 were injured,

⑧) 12 hospitals and 32 health centers are out of service due to lack of fuel and bomb attacks.

9) When there are more than 130 children in the incubator, their lives are in danger due to lack of fuel.

⑩) More than 1.5 million innocent people were displaced from their homes and sheltered in shelter camps, schools, hospital grounds, mosques and churches when the attack found them there...

The so-called civilized world still says "stop the war!" Instead of saying, "Israel has the right to defend itself, it must ensure that Hamas is destroyed, we are on your side, Hamas is a terrorist, we feel sorry for the Israelis who died in the attacks of Hamas!..."

Those who say there is little improvement, the war should not stop. But they say they need some help.

There is still no electricity, no water, no food, no fuel in Gaza. As a result, the wounded and those suffering from normal ailments could not be treated.

Due to the siege, it was not possible to get a seriously ill patient to get outside treatment.

Apart from the rain of bombs raining from above, Israel is committing war crimes and ethnic cleansing by denying food, water and medical care. All this happens in the 21st century. The so-called UN and any institution that claims to be a human rights defender has become a smell of water. Their law does not apply to anyone else but to save them. For them, the death of Muslims, Arabs and Africans is lower than the death of their dogs.

But since all souls are equal, they cannot get their hands one day. Tomorrow, when another part of them is attacked, we will find them going from extreme to extreme in their media and their unwritten laws.

May Allah bring them shame. Let us quicken the arrow for the avengers.

Allah is the Wise and Forbearing Lord who is the conqueror of all conquerors. One day will not leave them.


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