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From Allah, for Allah, to Allah

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Juma namozi. New Jersey USA

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The world's first University was founded in Africa (Morocco🇲🇦) by a woman?

Fatima bint Muhammad Al-Fihriya Al-Qurashiya (فاطمة بنت محمد الفهرية القرشية‎) founded the world’s first university in 895 CE in Fez, which is now in Morocco🇲🇦

She is more usually known simply as Fatima al-Fihri. She established the University of Al Qarawiynn using her share of her father's wealth she inherited with her sister. The university started as a large mosque and later grew into a place of education.

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Assalomu aleykum brother and sisters. I am Uzbek from USA. I’m using facebook almost 14 years and I know how is it starting. In shaa Allah this project also started best then other social media platforms. Thanks guys

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khurshid_khasanov Mengubah foto profilnya
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