🇺🇿: Kitoblar, Rimdan qaytayotgan edim. Duty free da bookshopga ko'zim tushdi va soatlab qolib ketdim. Kitoblarni hidini juda ham sevaman. Italian tilini o\'rganayotganligim sababli birinchi kitobni tanladim.
🇺🇲: Books, I was returning from Rome. I saw the bookshop at duty free and I was stuck for hours. I love the smell of books. I chose the first book because I am learning Italian.
🇺🇿: shaxsiy blogimga obuna bo'ling: https://t.me/miopianeta
🇺🇲: follow to my blog:
🇺🇿: Kitoblar, Rimdan qaytayotgan edim. Duty free da bookshopga ko'zim tushdi va soatlab qolib ketdim. Kitoblarni hidini juda ham sevaman. Italian tilini o\'rganayotganligim sababli birinchi kitobni tanladim.
🇺🇲: Books, I was returning from Rome. I saw the bookshop at duty free and I was stuck for hours. I love the smell of books. I chose the first book because I am learning Italian.
🇺🇿: shaxsiy blogimga obuna bo'ling: https://t.me/miopianeta
🇺🇲: follow to my blog: