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أهل السنة والجماعة‎، المذهب الحنفي‎، الماتريدية‎

Nurmuhammad_Buxoriy Сhanged his profile picture
10 month
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Yuragingizga yaqin bo'lmagan insonlardan uzoq bo'ling. Hazrati Umar r.a.

Hayotta shunday insonlarni uchratasizki ular bilan suhbatlashish u yoqda tursin yonida turishga xijolat bo'lasiz,lekin uni sizga biror yomonligi tegmagan bolsada.Shuning uchun ruhi ruhiga tanish insonlar degan ibora bor Rumiyda.Inson qalbi, qalbiga oxshash insonlarga talpinadi.Oldimizda qalbimizga yaqin insonlar ko'paysin.

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Nurmuhammad_Buxoriy Сhanged his profile picture
10 month
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