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Туркия ўзи ҳақида ёмон гап гапирган чет элликларни чегарадан депорт қилиб юборади. Ўзбекистонда ҳам шундай қонун қабул қилиняпти (қабул қилинди). Мен буни қўллайман. Гап ватан ва давлат шаъни ҳақида кетяпти.


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• Мактаблар, йўллар таъмирталаб бўлса, мусулмонлар айбдор. Кўп ҳаж ва умрага боришяпти.

• Шаҳарда бўш жойлар камлик қилса, мусулмонлар айбдор. Кўп масжид қуришяпти.

• Ўқувчи, талабаларнинг билими тушиб кетса, мусулмонлар айбдор. Кўп намоз ўқишяпти…

• Яхшиям, Ислом ва мусулмонлар бор. Акс ҳолда, фаросатида нуқсони борлар муаммоларга кимни айбдор қилишарди, ҳайронман!


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So many of ISIS top officials turn out to have a long and involved history with the CIA and US military. But just ignore that, as it's probably all a coincidence.

Daniel Haqiqatjou

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"The leader of "ISIS-K" was a contractor at the US base in Bagram. He also worked security for drug lord Rashid Dostum, a top CIA proxy.

"He later worked for Amrullah Saleh, chief of the NDS, literally the CIA's righthand man in Afghanistan.

"It's right there on the Wikipedia page."

Why does ISIS-K target enemies of the US and Israel like Russia, Afghanistan, and Iran?

It is because ISIS-K's leader was previously employed by CIA operatives in Afghanistan, and spent time working at the US Bagram military base.

Despite this fact, Zionist-controlled media keeps claiming that it is a conspiracy theory to claim ISIS is a tool of Israel and the US.

Daniel Haqiqatjou

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