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Avvallari ilm pulga o\'rgatilmagan. Keyinchalik pulga o\'rgatish uchun fatvo berilgan. Hozrda esa masulyatsizligimiz kamayib ilm olishga sust bo\'lib qoldik. Pul topish poygasida musobaqalashishni boshladikda lekin baribir ko\'paymayapti pullarimiz...

Sabab shuki pulniyam ilmi bor ilm ishdan hech qachon to\'xtamang. Shunda yaqin yillarda rivojlanish surati o\'sishiga erisha boshlaymiz.

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Bugun o\'qi erta boshqarishni boshlaysan

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Qiymatli hayotingni qimmatsiz narsalarga sarf qilma. Umr soating teskarisiga aylanyapti.

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Bismillah! Man boshladim.

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Shokhrukh Karimov Сhanged his profile picture
6 month
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