Табасаранан алхьа кха дац.

Eid Al-Fitr brought the Muslim world happiness and joy,InshaAllah I hope Allah has accepted all our fast during Ramadan and will give us strength to keep up with good faith and restored inner peace during the past holly month.

May Allah bless all muslims and give peace to our brothers and sisters in islam where there is unjust war against them.


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Табасаранан алхьа кха дац.

The track of life has been going on without any pause and will continue even if we are on it or been dropped of at any point, nothing is “ME” centric in life, you are not the main character in everybody’s life around you (no-one keeps you in mind or cares about you) except your Mom and Dad…………..!

Don’t create an illusion, as you are the centre of your close ones or what you do only matters and people will be (surprised/mad/happy/confused/jealous) ,

In fact nobody cares……………

We live , we die - we always be kind of a molecule for planet earth (in size)…..

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Abdulmalik AY Сhanged his profile picture
2 months
Табасаранан алхьа кха дац.

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