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Ko'z nafsini tuproq to'ydiradi.

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omonatga omonat bo'lmoqlik darkor.)

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Dunyoviy ilmi yo'q , davlat mevasiz yog'och kabidir - daraxtni shoxi ham emas chunki ilmi taraqqiyoti yo'q davlat soya ham bera olmaydi.

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Biz kamroq va kamroq yashayotgan bu dunyoda biror narsa go'zal bo'lib qolsin.

Sening kulib turgan yuzing kabi..

Turgut Uyar

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Hayotdagi muvaffaqiyatsizlikning eng muhim sababi "barchaning diqqat markazidaman, hamma men bilan mashg’ul", deb o’ylashingdir. Ishon menga, sen hech kimni qiziqtirmaysan.

Fedor Dostoyevskiy

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