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This is a picture of the palm of a Palestinian martyr’s hand under the rubble in Gaza, holding a date fruit that death did not give him time to eat before his martyrdom. The seed of the date fruit sprouted between his two fingers and became a strikingly long leaf. The miracle in this picture is that the germination process is an indication of the length of time his body remained under the rubble (at least three months or more). Above) while the palm of the hand with its fingers and its nodes is complete with its flesh, tissues, and nails, and its structural connection to the wrist, and even its color, and its lack of decomposition or sagging, indicates that it is as if it had recently died from a recent period (hours), but the germination of a date seed indicates that his death is ancient, and this is one of the signs of God that this corpse is the corpse of a martyr. God willing, we know that the bodies of the martyrs do not wear out and are not subject to rot and disappearance, and perhaps their scent is fr

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