ترجمہ ممکن نہیں

The poor family's generous donation of an egg for the construction of a mosque in Kashmir sparked a heartwarming response from the locals. The incident occurred in the charming apple town of Sopore.

In their efforts to gather funds for the mosque in Malpora village, the residents of this farming town were seeking donations. It was during this time that a humble mother and son, who barely made ends meet, selflessly offered an egg for the cause.

A member of the mosque committee shared, "While we were collecting donations, a woman from a modest house approached me with her head bowed. She held out an egg and asked me to accept it." This woman, a destitute widow, resided in a small, rundown house with her only son.

Touched by this gesture, the mosque committee gratefully accepted the egg. They also devised a plan to auction it off.

News of the simple auction spread like wildfire throughout the village, and people flocked to purchase the egg for the mosque. Just like any other auction, the egg changed hands multiple times as buyers willingly returned it for subsequent auctions, all in the name of raising more funds for the mosque.

A local businessman named Danish Bhat emerged as the highest bidder, purchasing the egg for a staggering Rs 70,000. This generous contribution, along with others, resulted in a total amount raised for the mosque exceeding Rs 220,000.

A committee member confirmed the completion of the auction and the final amount raised for the mosque. They revealed that the egg had been sold over 60 times, showcasing the incredible support and unity of the community.

#islam #solidarity #tiretheonism

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