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Oh Muslimah!

If your husband tells you to wear proper Hijaab/Niqaab say Alhamdulillah

If your husband stops you from doing Tabarruj & makeup say Alhamdulillah

If your husband doesnt let you upload your pics online say Alhamdulillah

If your husband doesn't let you add non mahram men on FB & other social media say Alhamdulillah

If your husband doesnt let you to talk to non mahram men say Alhamdulillah

Say Alhamdulillah that Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ has blessed you with a husband who has gheerah for his wife and is not a Dayouth.

In this era, it's very difficult to find someone who is not a dayooth, someone who always protects you from harm and guides you in the right way.

May Allah grant us such companionship.

آمیـــــــــــــن یارب العالمین!

p.s may Allah give me like that hisband with khoyr with sakinah, with barokah Ameen

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