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Assalemu alaykom,

So i received this message (in the capture) today from the site moderators and they removed my last night post that has has remarks about the site.

First thing to say is that am not here to cause any trouble or ''start a riot'' , but if critisizing the size is not allowed here then thats the problem.

am here mostly to post politics and other educative topics not to post innapproppriate images .

your ''Security guards'' automatic comment that our posts are ''against Sharia'' is just ridiculous and will make people leave the site for being annoyed, before you even Ban them !

my talk is for the creator of the site or main admin : i found this platform and i was glad to join and it is good and has good potential of being a serious alternative to facebook, at least for muslims and i support you.

I've been using social networks and an activist online since 2010, i was blocked, banned and removed from facebook, youtube, Google and Twitter too for just being anti Zionist and posting the Truth.

i was happy to find a muslim site that may allow freedom of speech but never expected lame restrictions or threats to Ban me just because i remarked about a technical issue here.

Am muslim and i respect islamic laws but again saying that your automatic comment that our posts against Sharia is lame and Wrong, pictures with women wearing full clothes or not showing anything of their bodies (but their faces) are not Haram, or when i post about Western issue and the link or image has a women face (even very small or not even close) your ''Security guards'' came automatically with that same comment, this is annoying and not acceptable, we are growing up people and rspecting each other here. There is no need for Hypocrisy too, we all see pictures of women in internet daily in other social networks even accidently , we are not perfect, no one is, we cant fake an Utopia here, Allah is watching us and He is the only one that will judge us.

Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance not oppression and closeness, most female people i saw here are so respectful, so are the males too so there is no need to play the Police on us PLEASE.

we have already Enough oppression from our rulers and others who control our countries and realities every day, so let this site be a kind of a relief for us to be ourselves with no Control.

There are many other issues that you may focus to improve here, like the ''dating site'' , the comment section, the messages etc.. and the site can be great.

but if you choose to remove people like me for my remarks and make the site another Big Brother network then Good Luck with that !

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