Хьо дакъа дацанаш махь йоьтта.

The ancestor of the modern camera is this pinhole camera or Camera Obscura. And this pinhole camera was first invented by Ibn al-Haytham, whom the Firingians called 'al Hazen'.

You can say it is the simplest camera model. No lens is used here.

Ibn al-Haytham uses the term in his book (البيت المضلم), which translates to "darkroom".

To see the pinhole camera mechanism, visit the link no. 3.

Reference link..

📌 Reference:

1. https://www.historyofinformati....on.com/detail.php?en

2. https://cral-perso.univ-lyon1.....fr/labo/fc/cdroms/cd.

3. https://byjus.com/physics/pinhole-camera/

4. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camera_obscura

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