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Django for beginners

When I start learning Django, thing's were looking soo hard but after i started learning guess what ? it was not that bad

The beginning was tricky though. Installing Django was tough because of some path problem, but I fixed it by copying the path and putting it in the computer settings. (I can't remember the exact message, but it was about the path.)

Here's how to fix it (if you have the same problem):

1. Go to Control Panel.

2. Click System & Security.

3. Click System.

4. Click Advanced system settings.

5. Click Environment Variables.

6. Under System variables, find the one called Path.

7. Click Edit and add the correct path there.

After that, I finished 2 lessons and read some stuff online. I spent over 8 hours a day learning and working on projects during my break from class. It wasn't always fun, but it was good for me!

What about you? What new things have you learned lately? Tell me in the comments!

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