11 month Translate - Youtube
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This video reminded me, of music's biggest poison, you won't see it in first glance, you need to be in the hole, the dark hole of it, you can't live without a sound that your ears feel the beat of, a something that removes the gap of silence, the gap that's always important, without it, you lose many things.

When you lose the silence, when you can't bear having nothing to hear, congratulations dear, you are now in the hole, you lost peace in your heart, you now need music to give it to you, music steal silence from your heart, and replace itself with it.

Music slaves your heart, it's the nature of it, it wants you to lose the beauty of "Basic".

We now eat while watching this, going to the gym while listening to this, we live in an era, that tries to make you lose the beauty of "just eating a little slice of bread", you can't enjoy, as much as it must be.

Can we do something, without putting an extra things on it?

Why the heart can't contain The clear Qur'an and music in the same time?

Because the two always fight each other, to read the clear Qur'an, a book that tells you to think, needs the silence, music wants to be that silence, and makes you lose the love of doing something without an extra things.

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