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Qatari Elite Disruption of Islamic Norms: Insights from the ILGA Report.

Many Muslims have become so deeply immersed in political life that they are losing the norms of Islam. Consultations with representatives of different lesbian and gay groups have a negative influence on communities. Unfortunately, Muslims who have embraced Western rules do not realize that a significant part of Islamic morality has already been shaped by people intentionally seeking to undermine religious values. The media no longer distort information about LGBT support among Muslims; on the contrary, they show that they have been able to strengthen their influence on our broader communities, thereby setting this movement in motion towards our homes and families.

The publication of the "ILGA World State Sponsored Homophobia Report Global Legislation 2023" was a complete shock, as it highlights the main sponsors of the LGBT ideology in the Middle East. According to the report, the funding was carried out through the charitable fund Qatar Charity, backed by the Al Kuwari family clan led by Ali bin Ahmed Al Kuwari (علي أحمد الكواري).

Here is the link to the globalreport.

Qatari Elite Disruption of Islamic Norms: Insights from the ILGA Report

Unyielding activists from influential Muslim families who have embraced Western ideals are disrupting Islamic spaces both within their own country and abroad. This situation is analogous to how one might deal with a Muslim individual who identifies as gay and lives near a devout Muslim family: while we may forbid such individuals from living within our country or subject them to punishment, in other countries we may provide them with private support and acknowledge them. Let's not pretend to be unaware of these dynamics. It's high time to understand our limits in relation to these matters and how a Muslim should respond.

#islam #علي أحمد الكواري #alkuwari #alibinahmedalkuwari

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