«المؤمن تجب موالاته وإن ظَلَمَك واعتدى عليك، والكافر تجب معاداته وإن أعطاك وأحسن إليك، فإن الله -سبحانه- بعث الرسل وأنزل الكتب ليَكون الدين كله لله، فيكون الحب لأوليائه والبغض لأعدائه، والإكرام لأوليائه والإهانة لأعدائه، والثواب لأوليائه والعقاب لأعدائه».
-ابن تيمية
«the Believer Should be Given Loyalty, even if he Wronged and Assaulted You, and the Kafer Should be Opposed Even if he Gave You and Was Kind to You, Because Allah Almighty Have Sent the Messengers and Dropped the Books so all the Religion be for Allah, So the Love be for his Loyalists and the Hate be for his Enemies, and the Honours be for his Loyalists and the Shame be for his Enemies, and the Prize be for his Loyalists and the Punishment be for his Enemies».
-Ibnu Taimiyah
«المؤمن تجب موالاته وإن ظَلَمَك واعتدى عليك، والكافر تجب معاداته وإن أعطاك وأحسن إليك، فإن الله -سبحانه- بعث الرسل وأنزل الكتب ليَكون الدين كله لله، فيكون الحب لأوليائه والبغض لأعدائه، والإكرام لأوليائه والإهانة لأعدائه، والثواب لأوليائه والعقاب لأعدائه».
-ابن تيمية
«the Believer Should be Given Loyalty, even if he Wronged and Assaulted You, and the Kafer Should be Opposed Even if he Gave You and Was Kind to You, Because Allah Almighty Have Sent the Messengers and Dropped the Books so all the Religion be for Allah, So the Love be for his Loyalists and the Hate be for his Enemies, and the Honours be for his Loyalists and the Shame be for his Enemies, and the Prize be for his Loyalists and the Punishment be for his Enemies».
-Ibnu Taimiyah