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Thinking positively about Allah and our Brothers and Sisters (in faith) is something highly encouraged in Islam, but how often we overlook the teachings of Islam. Then we find it intriguing when we hear about similar concepts like positive thinking and affirmations from other 'experts'. We have forgotten the beautiful teachings of our religion, which inherently promote a positive mindset and a hopeful outlook in life.

At Islamify Academy, we've introduced a program called 'Heal.'

With Heal, we want to share what islam says about mental health—how to take care of our mental well-being. "Heal" is a blend of Islamic teachings with modern psychology to help us better understand and improve our mental health in a way that aligns with our faith.

We are committed to providing valuable resources and support to help you lead a fulfilling life, both spiritually and mentally. Stay tuned for more updates on our 'Heal' program.

'Learn. Heal. Connect with Islamify'

#islamify #islamifyacademy #quran #islam #muslims #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellness #mentalwellbeing #learn #heal #connect

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