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- I remember... I was one and a half years old... they came in and shot my mother before my eyes. She died instantly. Then one of them took off his helmet and put it on her face. I do not know why. A ritual or something... Mom screamed so much... They beheaded me right away...

- Just beheaded right away?!

- Yes. Mom asked them not to do this, but they pushed her away and cut off my head in front of her eyes!

- Poor mother! She must have cried!.. How it hurt her...

- Yes. Then our army came and they hastily left our house. It's good that my mother managed to grab me and jump out of the window! There were 40 more kids like me lying there... I fell on my mother and she died. A kind fascist Israeli picked me up! I survived thanks to him...

- Hard, you probably had a fate!..

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