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"According to the dictionary, "kidnap" means to hold someone illegally in order to obtain a ransom. The crime draws a stiff sentence in every penal code, but no one would dream of jailing the financial bigwigs who hold countries hostage and, delightfully immune to consequences, collect ransoms day after day...."

"The Monetary fund is called international, just as the Bank is called World, but this twin brothers live, collect, and decide in Washington, and their well- populated technocracy never spits in the plate from which they eat. Although the United States is by far the most indebted country in the world, no outsider orders it to put a FOR SALE sign on the White House; such an act of insolence would never occur to any international bureaucrat."

"Edward Galeano"

"Who gave the order to slay Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez ?"

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