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Recite this dua of Musa in times of desperation✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅

At one point in the city of Madyan, Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) found himself with no home, no work and no wife.

He comes accross two women in need of help. So he watered their flocks for them; then he went back to the shade and made a profound dua that turned his entire life around.

After making this dua, Allah blesses him to marry one of these women. He blesses him to work for her father and he blesses him with a home.

Always trust Allah can turn your situation around no matter how bad it is.

Remember this powerful dua and say it with conviction that Allah will answer you in the same way he answered Prophet Musa, who at one point, only had the clothes on his back.

Here is the remarkable dua:

رَبِّ إِنِّى لِمَآ أَنزَلْتَ إِلَىَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍۢ فَقِيرٌۭ

Rabbi innee limaaa anzalta ilaiya min khairin faqeer

"My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need." (Quran, 28:24)

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