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Webhooks Vs APIs🔎

API (Application Programming Interface):

Think of an API like a menu at a restaurant. You (the customer) look at the menu and choose what you want to eat. The waiter (API) takes your order and brings you the food (data or service) you requested. It's like you asking for things when you're ready.


Now, imagine you're at a magical restaurant, and the food (data) comes to your table as soon as it's ready without you having to order it. The kitchen (the other system) sends dishes to your table (your application) when they're done. You don't need to ask for each dish, it just appears when it's ready.

So, with APIs, you ask for things when you want them, and with webhooks, things come to you automatically when they're ready. It's like a menu-driven restaurant experience vs. a restaurant that knows exactly what you want and serves it without you asking.

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