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Innalillahi Wa inna ilaiHi raajiuun.

Palestine is surrounded by Israeli troops..israel is angry because ktt oki in TURKEY cornered Israel, they carried out a ground attack on Gaza ... Hezbollah leader, Syed Hasan Nasrullah asked all Muslims to read surah al-Baqarah verses 26-27 and surah Yunus verse 85 , 86,88 tonight .. please spread it .. so that Israel is destroyed .. forward to all Muslims .. brothers and sisters of the same faith have been surrounded waiting for the time to be slaughtered .. the situation is very terrible .. that's all our jihad .... ask for help Very much to friends, spread it as widely as possible .... Labbaika Allahuma Labbaika ... ask for help very much to friends, spread it as widely as possible.

: Israel plans to attack within 24 hours. Don't stop praying the following verses for Palestine

La illaha illa Anta subhanaKa inni kuntu minadzdzaalimiin.

Please FORWARD this news to all Muslims / Muslims !!!

Astaghfirullah .......... 3x, then read:

Hasbunallahu wa ni'imal wakiil, 7 times ........

Even if you don't read it, please forward this message

After reading now forward it. In a few minutes, millions of people will read. Please foward to spread it to all fellow Muslims ... ALLAAHU Akbar!

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