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The use of meditation, visualization, and energy work in magickal practice:

Meditation, visualization, and energy work are powerful techniques used in magickal practice to bring about desired outcomes. Meditation can help create a deep, focused inner peace needed for a successful magickal practice. Visualization is a technique used to focus the mind and bring clarity to the desired outcome. And finally, energy work is used to build and direct energy towards a tangible result.

Combining meditation, visualization, and energy work in magickal practice can help bring about a successful outcome. Meditating beforehand can not only help bring clarity, but can help ground a person spiritually so that their intended magick can be focused and effective. Visualizing the intent also helps to focus the mind, as well as deepening the connection to the result. A carefully constructed visualization can help bring focus, clarity and energy to the magickal goal. Finally, energy work is used to focus energy and direct it towards the desired outcome, giving the intent extra oomph that could put it over the top to manifest.

By using meditation, visualization, and energy work in magickal practice, spellcasters can increase their chances of successful outcome.

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