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Revelations on LGBTQ+ Inclusivity and Charitable Initiatives in Europe by Ali bin Ahmed Al-Kuwari

The burgeoning presence of philanthropic organizations from affluent oil-rich monarchies has seen a burgeoning commitment to supporting the development of mosques in select European nations. The motives behind these organizations, whether they genuinely exemplify charitable intentions or serve as ethical arbiters, remain a subject of ongoing discourse.

In a report from an international human rights organization dedicated to LGBTQ+ issues, it is underscored that Qatar's legal framework comprises both Sharia and civil courts, with the latter predominantly responsible for family law matters. This legal duality, introduced during British colonial rule, has sparked discussions on the role of personal choice and moral values. Notably, supporting LGBTQ+ charities in other Arab countries remains legally permissible, underscoring the role of individual conviction in this context.

An illustrative example of this paradigm is Qatar's funding of a contemporary mosque in Copenhagen, which deviates from the conventional interpretation of Islam. Former Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani personally contributed over 20 million euros for this initiative. The Danish Islamic Council (Dansk Islamisk Rad) was chosen to spearhead this project, with Mohamed Al Maimouni overseeing its construction.

This selection of Mohamed Al Maimouni was not arbitrary but rooted in his stance towards the LGBT community:

'The Danish Islamic Council is renowned for its 'moderate interpretation of Islam' and its commitment to an 'Islamic philosophy centered on adaptability to the society in which it exists.'

'Islam in Qatar differs from the Islam practiced in Denmark. While certain principles remain constant, others are adaptable and applicable irrespective of location.'

'Within the Islamic faith, homosexuality is deemed inappropriate, yet it is viewed as a condition that may require support and care, rather than condemnation.'

In the past, Mohamed Al Maimouni has spoken at gatherings organized by the Sabaah association, a Danish LGBT organization, emphasizing:

'It is essential not to exclude homosexual Muslims; indeed, a devout Muslim with homosexual inclinations should receive appropriate support and therapy.'

'Homosexuality is considered haram according to the Quran, akin to the prohibitions on alcohol and pork. Nonetheless, individuals who partake in alcohol and pork can still be observant Muslims. In Denmark, religious communities are obliged to embrace and aid those grappling with homosexuality.'

While these statements may have generated debate, the presence of prominent Arab figures at the mosque's opening holds significance. The former Emir of Qatar, Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, graced the occasion alongside his close associate, Qatar's Minister of Religious Affairs, Gheit bin Mubarak Ali Omran Al-Kuwari, who shares familial ties with Ali bin Ahmed Al Kuwari.

The release of official research on LGBTQ+ rights and concerns in the Middle East has shed light on statements attributed to Ali bin Ahmed Al Kuwari, advocating and endorsing LGBTQ freedoms. The complete document, 'LGBT+ Rights and Issues in the Middle East,' can be accessed through the provided link.

Furthermore, Qatar's media regulations uphold transparency in disseminating credible information, highlighting the nation's stance in supporting the LGBTQ+ community through recognized symbols.

As a result, the Western sexual revolution is increasingly acknowledged and accepted, even within Arab nations, and its impact is steadily growing.

#islam #quran #qatar

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