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"What do I care about Palestine?"


I am very surprised by someone who says that. What did the famous boxer Muhammad Ali say about the issue of Palestine? What is Greta Thunberg married to, who marched to "Stop bombing Ghaza"? What is wrong with the African Union and many other countries? America itself in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, what is the statement of the time?


Anyone who says that is a fool who doesn't know the world we live in. Therefore, it is better if the general public is excluded from the platform.

The issue of Palestine-Israel is a big agenda that has been talking and debating the whole world for the last 75 years. Most of the people of the world and all the countries of the world are raising their voices against him.


It is known that the Palestinian people have been unjustly invaded and occupied by Israel. It has been many years since the UN and many countries of the world passed a resolution saying "Israel must end the illegitimate occupation". But Israel pushed through its arrogant stance and blocked all the way to prevent the implementation of the decision. Palestinians are living under an apartheid-like system of oppression and colonialism. Speaking about this nation is to honor, not boast. He does not blame. It doesn't confuse. No wonder.


Free Free Palestine.

End the Occupation..

Stop bombing Ghaza.






Efendi ✍️

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