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Why does Israel so ruthless to the People of Gaza?


Afendi Muteki


In my view, Israel may not stop the bombing Gaza until it kills as many people as possible; this number may be 10,000 or more. It is very well known that whenever Palestinians took action against the occupation by killing some of its people (military or civil), the criminal Zionist state of Israel retaliates by killing a terrific number of Palestinians civilians. Its generals were saying repeatdly "We will massacre hundreds of these human animals for a single Jew they kill".

However, Israel' current rage is never seen in its history. It is behaving like a dog that develops "rabies" (የእብድ ውሻ በሽታ). Even the infamous massacre of Shatila and Sabra that Israelis undertook in 1982 on the Palestinians living in Lebanon can't be equaled to what we are seeing and hearing since October 7/2023.

Why do the Israeli leadership and the hardcore Zionists lost their mind so much and continued their onging genocidal campaign of Gaza? Why do they defy the ceasefire calls coming from the international community at all levels?

According to my observation, the reasons are the following...

1. Since the end of Holocaust, no entity has killed 1500 Jews in a single day. Hamas recorded a new phenomenon. Bear in your mind that the number of Palestinians killed by Israel since 1948 (or 1967) is fifteen time greater than the number of Israelis killed in the conflict. But Hamas's killing of 1,500 Israelis in a single day was never seen in the whole Arab-Israeli conflict before October 7/2023.

The Israeli leadership was thinking that the the Palestinians and the whole Arabs are inferior to it; they thought that the Palestinians couldn't give a destructive shock. But the October 7/2023 phenomena took them with a surprise and disqualified their belief. And a catastrophic attack undertaken by an entity they were thinkg as an inferior, backward an desirable made them to loose their mind. This is the first reason for which they blindly kill the civilians of Gaza everyday.

Remember that I don't support the killing of civilian Jews. I see the suffering they have seen since the great Jewish Diaspora of 1st century and the brutality of Nazi regime towards the Jews with a deep sympathy. I support the Jews having their own state called Israel and their living in the country with peace and security.

But I decry Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine and its treatment of the Palestinians with cruelty, barbarism, colonization, humility, Apartheid and operation. Palestine must be liberated and given back to the Palestinians.


2. The timing of the attack selected by Hamas and the success of its incursions are very astonishing. The October 7/2023 attack happened exactly on the 50th year of Yom Kippur War (1973). That war Started on October 6/1973 with a surprise attack of Egyptian and Syrian forces on Israeli positions. Since that day, Israel developed a tradition of strengthening its security on Yom Kippur (October 6) and the following few days which are some of the major observable holidays in Judaism. And it is assumed that there is little chance of breaching Israeli military and boundary on these days because of a tight security.

But Hamas succeeded on giving a decisive blow to Israel in its strictly monitored week. This is surprising indeed.


3. For dedaceds, we were hearing and reading the extra ordinary strength of the Israeli Intelligence and security community: We were told Mossad (Foreign Intelligence and Operations Agency) would reach the whole world with its complex network. We were reading that "Shin Bet" (Intern Security Agency) can catch every Palestinian that pose danger to Israel and its people at anytime. We were reading the same thing about AMAN (Military security).

But with October 7/2023 attack of Hamas, the whole world got up from its deep sleep and knew the truth. Now we know that most of what we reading about the excellence of Israeli security and intelligence apparatus were fictitious propaganda.

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