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😎| Welcome to 0.00001% of my life 🚵‍♀️| Adventure 🏔 | Globetrotter 💭| Lost in my own thoughts ☕️| Stressed, blessed, and coffee obsessed 👤| Multilingual 🇹🇷🇺🇿🇰🇷🇺🇸🇷🇺

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When I feel stressed or unthankful for what I have, nowadays I start to remember the struggles that I have on a daily basis is nothing comparing to the people in Palestine 🇵🇸 and the tremendous amount of pain they’re currently feeling and which is motivational to see that they’re still keep saying Alhamdulillah gives you the feeling of being grateful 🥲. Let’s not stop mentioning them in our duas 🤲

Free Palestine 🇵🇸


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Bolaligimizda ko'rgan multfilmlar bizga nimalarni o'rgatardi?

-Tarzan yarim yolong'och yurardi...

-Sindrella uyga yarim kechasi kelardi....

-Pinnokkio doim yolg'on gapirardi..

-Alovuddin g'irt o'gri edi...

-Romeo va Julietta sevgini dib o'zini o'ldirgandi...

-Oppog'oy 7ta erkak bilan yashardi...

-Garry Potter jodu bilan shug'ullanardi...

Nimalarni ko'rib katta bo'ldik? #thoughts

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iosmanbey Сhanged his profile picture
9 month Translate
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Assalamu Aleikum

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