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Magic, to learn about your body and simultaneous reading

A person dreams of magical gifts in less than one time period of his/ her life (I need this, want these, millions of dollars, home, car, and other materials). However, as said by Chris Williamson “The magic you are looking for is still in the work you are avoiding“. Magical gifts are myths like free will and liberalism.

How do you know about your body? For example, I am a readable person, maybe you are audible or visible. I failed to easily feed up without additional steroids, you might be able to be overweight with just a small portion of carbohydrates. Learning about our bodies and figuring out their shortcomings could be helpful in our lifetime. You very well know It's complicated to regulate a thousand-year-old addicted brain.

Give the simultaneous reading to the addicted brain it relies on hard tasks instead of straightforwards. Reading multiple books can lead to a connection between standpoints and creativities. For instance, I learned in the three books (Think Again and Same as ever) that we should start with small and clear things before making any decisions and tasks.

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